I discovered podcasting back in 2004 when a co-worker told me I should make one. The first one I ever listened to was my own. It was a silly/childish/dirty comedy show where I sang a lot of silly songs and did dumb skits. It was fun as hell, but it ran its course after a few dozen episodes.
By 2007, podcasting was becoming more popular and there were many niche podcasts out there that were made for specific topics. I wanted to do something along those lines, so I figured the best topics to talk about are the ones you are most passionate about.
Naturally, I chose to do a podcast about Iron Maiden.
As far as I was concerned, it was very successful. What does that mean? Well it blew away anything else I did with at one time sneaking over the 700 listener number. In the radio world, or the pro podcast world, that number might as well be zero – but in my world, those 700 listeners felt like millions.
The biggest problem with the show – was me. The shows took a long time to produce, and I just never too enough time to do enough of them or get them released on a regular basis. In the end, I only did 10 episodes of the podcast over a span of a few years. It’s a show I always want to someday revisit. Who knows, maybe an 11th episode will materialize. Until then, I wanted to share with you all 10 episodes that were produced and released.
Enjoy, and up the Irons!
Episode One: Maiden and Me
Released June 27, 2007
This episode was a basic introduction to me, the show, and what Iron Maiden means to me.
Episode Two: Bruce Dickinson
Released August 27, 2007
This episode was all about lead singer Bruce Dickinson.
Episode Three: Covers & Tributes
Released November 13, 2007
This episode is exactly how it sounds – it’s about Maiden covers and Maiden tribute bands – including a cover song I recorded myself.
Episode Four: Powerslave
Released March 1, 2008
This episode I discuss the 1984 album Powerslave.
Episode Five: Somewhere Back in Time, Part I
Released June 20, 2008
This episode was all about me going to see Maiden live that night.
Episode Six: Somewhere Back in Time, Part II
Released December 9, 2008
I took forever to follow up with my talk about the show I saw – 6 months ealier. Told I was bad!
Episode Seven: A Very Maiden Christmas
Released December 23, 2008
Every show needs a holiday special.
Episode Eight: Blaze Bayley
Released January 18, 2009
I talk about former Iron Maiden vocalist who sang for two Iron Maiden albums during Bruce’s time away from the band.
Episode Nine: Another Email Show
Released February 7, 2009
I go through listener email that had been piling up.
Episode Ten: Top Ten Songs I Wish I Could See Maiden Play Live
Released July 15, 2010
Yup, you heard that right – over a year had gone buy since I put out an episode.
There were a couple 5 minute mini-shows I put out, but as far as actual episodes – only 10 over a 3 year period. But that’s it – it was a ton of fun doing it, even with how sporadically I did it. I hope you listen to a few and enjoy them.
Happy Iron Maiden Week and Up The Irons!