When I was a kid, summer seemed like it would last forever, but August would come around and inevitably that feeling of “it’s not long enough” would creep in. The month would start off great with my birthday – then later in the month my brother and I would spend a couple weeks with our grandparents at the beach. Before you know it – the dreaded September was right around the corner and it was back to school for us.
But as I’ve grown older, and ultimately more geeky, I’ve come to embrace September. Sure, I love lounging in a pool with a book as much as the next guy, but now that I am a working stiff summer doesn’t have the same impact as it used it. Now, I realize that September is the month that excites me the most (barring December of course) and that is for three reasons. One, the weather cools down. Two – FOOTBALL! And Three…..
The new season of television is finally upon us!

Without a doubt the show I am looking forward to the most this season is Smallville. It just has to be this way. After being a fan of the show for 9 seasons and 195 episodes it all comes to an end this year. Or, should I say that we finally get to the beginning – of Superman.
I want them to pull out all the stops this year. I want to see Clark flying, I want to see him in the suit. I want to see him being called SUPERMAN – even if it’s i the final scene of the final episode. They have been teasing Superman to us for 9 years and I hope that this year they deliver. I think it’s great that a show of this type, a show that gives us a piece of a much larger story – a show that had a goal and a purpose, will be able to go out on their own terms and deliver an “ending” that they deserve – and to have an entire season to do it.
I am happy to see that both Jonathan Kent and Lionel Luthor will be returning to the show in some capacity – probably in dream sequences, you know, since they’re both dead. But just to be able to see those characters come to life on the screen at least one more time is really satisfying.
I know that Allison Mack’s Chloe Sullivan won’t be a full time cast member this year – but I have to be honest when I say that really doesn’t bother me.
I used to be a big fan of hers, and loved that she’s been a part of the show since day 1, but I think she’s served her purpose in Clark’s life and I am ready for him to focus more on Lois and that red and blue suit his mom left for him.
Smallville isn’t Shakespeare, but it’s sure as hell an entertaining ride and one of my favorite shows of all time. One of the reasons for that is because of the great job that Michael Rosenbaum did in his portrayal of a young Lex Luthor for seven seasons.
We all know that Lex isn’t dead. For one we know that he’s a major part of Superman’s life in the future – and of course, we all saw that finale last year. If that was a vision (and not a dream) then we know that Smallville plans on Luthor being President in 2013. That being said – please Smallville – please, make it happen and bring Lex Luthor back, even if just for one episode. And if you do bring him back, please do your best not to let ANYONE know about it because I don’t want to be spoiled – I want to be able to freak out with the rest of us who have been geeking out to Smallville for all these years….
Smallville’s 10th and final season starts September 24, 2010.

I am excited because I have NO idea where Supernatural is going this fall – I’m just glad that it is in fact still going. Eric Kripke, the show’s creator and original show-runner, planned all along for this to be a five season story. Now, it looks like his show is moving on without him and I’ve really read nothing or have seen any video to get an idea of what is going on.
All I know is, if Sam and Dean are still going on adventures, I’m right there with them…
Supernatural’s 6th season starts September 24, 2010.

I am excited because I just love this show. I have a pretty good idea that this, the third season of Fringe, will have a lot to do with the different dimension we’ve visited in season 2.
Also, from some Easter Eggs last season it looks like Guru/Bowling Alley worker Sam Weiss might just be an integral part of the season, which I am all for because Kevin Corrigan does a great job portraying this mysterious character!
Fringe’s 3rd season starts September 21, 2010.

I am excited about Chuck because this show is definitely going to be different this year. We saw the Buy More explode, and Chuck’s sister knows his secret. Now, the only regulars who don’t currently know are the Buy More guys, which I like because I think it opens up the show to many more possibilities – instead of always doing spy work AND hiding it from your family and friends.
Now, of course, I think he will be doing some hiding and snooping around because he promised his sister he was out of the spy game – and yet we know that an entirely new world of possible spy work has been presented to him from his father beyond the grave. And, we know that Chuck is going to try to find his mom, and probably will have to be quite sneaky (and hilarious) about.
Chuck’s 4th season starts September 20, 2010.

This is the one show that doesn’t really fit with the others I mentioned above – but amazing writing and acting have made this show one of my favorites. Katey Sagal was absolutely ROBBED by not getting an Emmy nod this year. Ron Perlman can go from a sarcastic devil-man, to a believable biker that can scare the shit out of you. I love when he and Jax finally teamed up last year and put their problems behind them. Now they have bigger problems this year since Jax’s son was kidnapped – and oh man I can’t wait to see how they handle things.
Sons of Anarcy’s 3th season starts September 7, 2010.
In no particular order, here are other shows that I’ll be watching and at least wanted to give mention to here:
- Glee 9/21
- Survivor 9/15
- Amazing Race 9/26
- 30 Rock 9/23
- The Office 9/23
- Big Bang Theory 9/23
- The Middle 9/22
- Modern Family 9/22
- Always Sunny in Philadelphia 9/16
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