Metallicast : THE Metallica Podcast

METALLICAST 09: “St. Anger Talk w/ Kristen S. He”

Brandon is joined by musician, producer and award winning journalist Kristen S. He (Billboard, Vice, Red Bull, and more) to talk about a 7,500 word essay she wrote in defense of the most maligned Metallica album to date- St. Anger! Brandon and Kristen also talk about pop music and Metallica’s place in it. Also stay tuned to the end to find out why Kristen thinks Madonna is the Lars Ulrich of pop music and vice versa!

Read Kristen’s article at and follow her on twitter at @kristenisshe.

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Fans Not Experts owns no rights or claims to any of the music used in this episode. All songs used for review/podcast purposes only – and because Brandon loves them so much.

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