I am sitting on a train coming home from Boston as I type this into my iPad using Google Docs. I literally just finished watching Argo just a few seconds ago and wanted to write my post for today’s FNE Movie Month as soon as possible.
I know because of the nature of this project I am working on that there is nothing I can say about these movies that haven’t already been said. This movie came in 2012 and it’s 2014 so nobody is coming here to get insight on the movie.
Actually is anybody coming here at all? Well, that’s besides the point. I am doing this project primarily for me, and I hope at least one person checks it out and enjoys a the ride.
The actual point is, this movie was pretty amazing. When I wasn’t laughing I was paying attention to some great drama – I mean, talk about some tense moments! I know this is the “Hollywood” version of this story and I am sure things were changed for narrative purposes, but the gist of there story was there and that story was just unbelievable.
My compliments to Ben Affleck. This man has found a new universe for himself as a serious storytelling director. Of course he’s opening up another universe when he dons the cape and cowl in 2016, but that’s story for another day.
I just loved this movie because it had the feeling of almost a heist movie, where there was this big plan that involved all kinds of trickery to pull off. I loved all the planning in Hollywood, some of the most fun parts of the movie were in those scenes.
But the ending, the moment when I really wasn’t sure if they were all freed, was where I found myself pumping my fist here on the train (hope nobody noticed).
Besides the atmosphere and pacing and storytelling that Affleck gave us, I also enjoyed all of the acting. From names I knew, to faces I recognized, to people I was just seeing for the first time they all did a great job.
No doubt this movie deserved best picture. It’s probably the overall best film I’ve seen so far (and that’s saying a lot when you think of what I watched last night.)
I’m not at my train stop yet. I’m in Andover, MA so my stop is next, but I am going to finish up my post here and put the old iPad away. But, before do…I just have to say it.
“Argo F*ck Yourself!!”
Awesome movie.
11 down. 19 to go.