I’m not a huge basketball fan. I do enjoy watching good games. I love watching when my Celtics are good – and even can enjoy turning them on when I know they aren’t that good but play their asses off.
It was so much fun when Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen joined this team back in 2007. The Celtics became relevant again. They had some pretty good moments in the early 2000s, but nothing as good as that run in 2007.
And it ended when Kevin and the Captain were traded away. The last piece of that team was their “star” guard and their new captain – Rajon Rondo.
And now he’s gone too. Traded away to the Dallas Mavericks for a few players and a few picks. Danny Ainge got what he could for Rajon, rather than getting nothing or paying him a max contract.
I like the trade for the simple reason – I don’t like the player.
He was always either pretty good or really good. He needed stars around him to really shine. Sometimes he’d need the spotlight of national television. A player where the assist mattered more than the score – but you have to have scorers around you to turn your passes into assists.
When it came down to him taking an actual shot – or a free throw – I never had confidence in him and was always shocked when he’d get one in.
You can’t have a star player, a max contract player, with such a glaring flaw in his game.
Okay, maybe he was kind’ve a prick too, I don’t know – and I don’t really care. If you could back up your attitude with your on-the-court performance, that’s okay with me.
But more often than not, I just don’t think he good. At times he was good, really good, even great. He just isn’t a guy you want to build a team around. He’s a good piece to a good team. He’ll probably do great in Dallas, but his time in Boston was over for a while as far as I was concerned.
And now it’s over for good. And I’m fine with that.
Follow Mike on twitter at @mikey_c.
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