Joe (@NHPunk) (5-2)
- Ziggler’s team
- Ryback by DQ
- Charlotte
- Dudleys
- Reigns
- Cena loses but I have no idea to who…
- Rollins
- Brock
- MITB Cash In? Not tonight, and hopefully never.
Brandon (@WrestleBrand) (5-1)
- Ziggler, Cesaro & Neville
- Owens
- Charlotte
- Dudleyz
- Reigns
- TBA (Ambrose)
- Rollins
- Lesnar
- MITB Cash In? Nope
Shaun (@spc73) (5-2)
- Rusev, Sheamus and King Barrett
- Owens
- Charlotte
- Dudley Boyz
- Reigns
- Cena loses. Not sure to who.
- Rollins
- Brock
- MITB Cash In? Not tonight.
Mike (@WrestleWatcher) (8-0)
- Team Ziggler
- Win Owens Win
- Charlotte
- New Day
- Reigns
- Cena will lose. Probably to Ambrose. Hopefully to Daniel Bryan
- Rollins
- The Beast Incarnate
- MITB Cash In? No sir. Maybe at Survivor Series.