Hey look, it’s time for another WWE “Pay Per View” or whatever they call it now that we can watch them on the WWE Network for some unknown cost. Last night was a great/fun night of wrestling with NXT Takeover, and the main roster has a lot to live up to for tonight. So without further ado, here are the FANS picks for Summerslam 2015!
Shaun (@spc73) [7-3]
- New Day
- Ryback
- Wyatts, Ambrose turns on Reigns
- Neville and Arrow
- Cesaro
- Rusev
- Sheamus
- Rollins Hunter interferes
- Undertaker
Brandon (@Wrestlebrand) [6-4]
- New Day
- Ryback
- Bray & Harper after Ambrose turns on Reigns
- Amell & Neville
- Owens
- Team BAD
- Rusev after Lana turns on Ziggler
- Orton
- Rollins
- Taker
Joe (@NHpunk) [6-4]
- New Day
- Ryback
- Wyatts, Ambrose turns on Reigns
- Neville and Arrow guy
- Cesaro
- Charlotte/Becky/Paige
- Rusev
- Sheamus
- Rollins (Triple H interferes)
- Brock
Mike (@Wrestlewatcher) [4-6]
- New Day
- Miz
- Wyatts, Ambrose turns
- Neville and Stephen Amell
- Kevin Owens
- Team BAD
- Rusev, Lana turns on Ziggler
- Sheamus, but really who cares
- Cena by DQ again Triple H
- Brock kills a dead man