The Fans Pick the PPV

The Fans Make Their 2016 WWE Battleground Predictions

If you’re one of the rare few who subscribe to Wrestlefania, you may have already heard what Brandon and I had to say about Battleground tonight – that being said, I barely remember what I said and if I even made picks for every match – so if any of our picks are different from the podcast, who cares you probably don’t list.

BRANDON (@WrestleBrand)

I am predicting a lot of upsets tonight just because…

  • Breezango
  • Seth Rollins
  • Sami Zayn (changing my pick from WF)
  • Cena, Enzo and Cass
  • Becky Lynch
  • Darren Young (NULL / Ended in dumb DQ)
  • Zack Ryder
  • New Day
  • Sasha Banks and BAYLEY

Will Orton RKO Jericho? Definitely

Will we see Finn Balor? I think The Club loses and Gallows and Anderson turn against AJ which leads to Finn showing up

JOEY (@NHPunk)

I am predicting a lot of upsets tonight just because…

  • Usos
  • Seth Rollins
  • Sami Zayn
  • AJ Styles & The Club
  • Becky Lynch
  • Darren Young (NULL / Ended in dumb DQ)
  • Rusev
  • The Wyatts
  • Sasha Banks and BAYLEY

Will Orton RKO Jericho? YES!
Will we see Finn Balor? No Balor

MIKEY (@WrestleWatcher)

I am predicting a lot of upsets tonight just because…

  • Usos
  • Dean Ambrose – Smackdown is keeping the belt, for now.
  • Sami Zayn
  • Cena and Enzo & Cass
  • Becky Lynch
  • Darren Young (NULL / Ended in dumb DQ)
  • Rusev
  • The Wyatts
  • Sasha Banks and NIKKI BELLA (I so hope I’m wrong. I want Bayley like everyone else, but I’m taking a shot in the dark here.)

Will Orton RKO Jericho? Of course!
Will we see Finn Balor? I think so. My hope is that after AJ/Anderson/Gallows lose, Finn comes out and you think it’s the Club vs. Finn, but Anderson/Gallows are going to turn on AJ and beat the hell out of him – and the Balor Club is born.

SHAUN (@spc73)

  • Usos
  • Seth Rollins
  • Sami Zayn
  • AJ Styles & The Club
  • Becky Lynch
  • Darren Young (NULL / Ended in dumb DQ)
  • Rusev
  • The Wyatts
  • Sasha Banks and BAYLEY

Will Orton RKO Jericho? yes
Will we see Finn Balor? no

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