If you’re one of the rare few who subscribe to Wrestlefania, you may have already heard what Brandon and I had to say about Battleground tonight – that being said, I barely remember what I said and if I even made picks for every match – so if any of our picks are different from the podcast, who cares you probably don’t list.
BRANDON (@WrestleBrand)
I am predicting a lot of upsets tonight just because…
- Breezango
- Seth Rollins
- Sami Zayn (changing my pick from WF)
- Cena, Enzo and Cass
- Becky Lynch
- Darren Young (NULL / Ended in dumb DQ)
- Zack Ryder
- New Day
- Sasha Banks and BAYLEY
Will Orton RKO Jericho? Definitely
Will we see Finn Balor? I think The Club loses and Gallows and Anderson turn against AJ which leads to Finn showing up
JOEY (@NHPunk)
I am predicting a lot of upsets tonight just because…
- Usos
- Seth Rollins
- Sami Zayn
- AJ Styles & The Club
- Becky Lynch
- Darren Young (NULL / Ended in dumb DQ)
- Rusev
- The Wyatts
- Sasha Banks and BAYLEY
Will Orton RKO Jericho? YES!
Will we see Finn Balor? No Balor
MIKEY (@WrestleWatcher)
I am predicting a lot of upsets tonight just because…
- Usos
- Dean Ambrose – Smackdown is keeping the belt, for now.
- Sami Zayn
- Cena and Enzo & Cass
- Becky Lynch
- Darren Young (NULL / Ended in dumb DQ)
- Rusev
- The Wyatts
- Sasha Banks and NIKKI BELLA (I so hope I’m wrong. I want Bayley like everyone else, but I’m taking a shot in the dark here.)
Will Orton RKO Jericho? Of course!
Will we see Finn Balor? I think so. My hope is that after AJ/Anderson/Gallows lose, Finn comes out and you think it’s the Club vs. Finn, but Anderson/Gallows are going to turn on AJ and beat the hell out of him – and the Balor Club is born.
SHAUN (@spc73)
- Usos
- Seth Rollins
- Sami Zayn
- AJ Styles & The Club
- Becky Lynch
- Darren Young (NULL / Ended in dumb DQ)
- Rusev
- The Wyatts
- Sasha Banks and BAYLEY
Will Orton RKO Jericho? yes
Will we see Finn Balor? no