WWE is really hyping this Money in the Bank as “The Greatest Ever.” We’ll see about that around 11pm tonight. Until then, let’s see who The Fans pick in tonight wrestling bouts.
Brandon (@WrestleBrand)
- Reigns
- Styles
- Rusev
- The Club
- Natalya & Lynch (Charlotte turns on Dana)
- Corbin
- Crews
- MITB: Owens
Shaun (@spc73)
- Reigns
- Styles
- Titus O’Neil
- The Club
- Natalya & Becky (Charlotte turns on Dana Brooke)
- Ziggler
- Crews
- MITB: Owens
Joe (@NHpunk)
- Reigns retains
- Styles
- Rusev
- The Club
- Charlotte and Brooke
- Corbin
- Sheamus
- And my controversial MITB winner: Del Rio. I know he’s a dark horse but remember, Sheamus won last year…
Mikey (@WrestleWatcher)
- Roman
- AJ
- Rusev
- The Club
- Natty & Becky (Big Charlotte and Little Charlotte break up)
- Corbin
- Crews
- I am rooting for KO big time, but it just makes too much sense to have Ambrose win. So Ambrose. And he teases a cash in at the end of the night