Happy Fastlane Sunday everyone! What you aren’t all as excited as me? To be honest I’m typing this into my phone right now – the same phone that I will attempt to watch tonight’s show with.
So if this looks a little weird, or the formatting is off a bit – blame my phone. At the very least I do have a Bluetooth keyboard so I don’t have to type with my thumbs. Oh yeah, let’s get on to the picks.
Brandon [@WrestleBrand]
- Kalisto
- Charlotte
- Owens
- Wyatts
- Styles (followed by a Jericho heel turn)
- Becky/Sasha (something happens tonight or tomorrow on Raw to further set up a Divas Title Triple Threat at WM)
- Reigns
Joe [@NHPunk]
- Del Rio
- Charlotte
- Owens
- Wyatts
- Styles
- Sasha and Becky
- Reigns
Mike [@WrestleWatcher]
- Del Rio
- Charlotte
- Owens
- Wyatts
- Styles
- Sasha and Becky
- Ambrose
Shaun [@spc73]
- I predict that I will be in bed early
You have to at least give Shaun credit for not even pretending to care. Oh and I think we might see Enzo and Cass tonight but if not tonight then maybe tomorrow. Enjoy the show!