Royal Rumble

The Fans Pick the 2016 WWE Royal Rumble

Darren Young and Damien Sandow vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The Ascension vs. Mark Henry and Jack Swagger

Fatal four-way tag team match to qualify for the Royal Rumble match

Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Kalisto

Singles match for the WWE United States Championship

Charlotte (c) (with Ric Flair) vs. Becky Lynch

Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship

The New Day (c) vs. The Usos

Tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship

Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Kevin Owens

Last Man Standing match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

2016 Royal Rumble match 30-man Royal Rumble Match

Will We See AJ Styles?

Will any NXT People Be In the Match?

  • Brandon (@WrestleBrand): Yes to NXT guys because they are in Orlando… though this might be a one off for them not necessarily because they are on the main roster

Will We See Daniel Bryan?

  • Shaun (@spc73): No Bryan….RVD, Santino and Rey Mysterio are my surpises

Final Four

Winner of WWE World Heavyweight Championship

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