Stranger Things Fans! Although we know that a Season 4 is coming, we don’t really know when. But what DO we know?...
In this episode of Stranger Danger, our dashing host talks about episode 8 of season 3 of Stranger Things, “Chapter Eight: The...
I'm not done yet
And just like that - it's over.
I can't believe it all comes to an end tomorrow.
John Williams. Enough said.
Emails! Voicemail! Quiz! What a night!
Tonight on JAWGUST we go through even MORE notes that I still seem to have. We wonder what the hell Hendricks may...
I think I am right about certain names. And I read a negative review from 1975
Tonight, on the 24th day of JAWGUST we answer the age old question - how much is the Brody's house worth today?
If you don't get to hear this episode of JAWGUST, it would be a crime. A true crime!
Happy Birthday Jeffrey Voorhees (aka Alex Kintner)!
I watched JAWS 12 hours ago – but somehow it is still fresh in my mind! Tonight – no guests and no...
Today I am happy to have my long-time friend Eric join the show. A man who once got me to drive to...
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