Geek Mentality – The podcast home of #FNEMovieMonth, #SitcomAllYeFaithful, #BigScreenBatman, #SilverscreenSuperman #ThePenguinsMightier #MarchyMcFly and #JAWGUST!
We’ve hit double digits! I remember when I turned 10 getting in a car and telling my grandmother that I’ve hit double...
It’s Day 9 of Marchy McFly and today…Well today I just go through some notes I had written down and fantasized about...
Happy Monday! For this 8th day of Marchy McFly I took even MORE notes and talk about them. It is fun watching...
You didn't think I forgot about all the Batman movies, did you? I told you March was going to be jam packed...
Happy Sunday everybody! We’ve hit the end of the first week in our month long celebration of “Back to the Future” and...
Mike’s contract specifically states that he needs to watch Back to the Future every day in March and talk about it every...
Tis the fourth day of March, which makes it the fourth time I’ve watched “Back to the Future” this month and the...
Not to fear, this sucker is electrical…And back for day 3 of the biggest Back to the Future celebration.* In this episode,...
In this second episode of Marchy McFly, I talk about a few things I’ve noticed – now that I am looking for...
Finally! After all these months of waiting – March and #MarchyMcFly are finally here! 31 straight days of celebrating my favorite movie...
31 Days of Back to the Future!
Another “Big Screen Batman” and another movie I’ve already done in Movie Month. This is not a “Batman Movie” in the truest...
Everything is Awesome! This is a big screen movie – and Batman is in it. So yeah, this counts! This movie is...
The end of an era. The end of Christian Bale as the Bat. The end of Christopher Nolan as the director. The...