I have to admit it – the CW is good at making comic book television. Sure, some people might say that not every episode of Smallville was fantastic – but it was still an epic (one of my favorite) television show that lasted 10 seasons and over 200 episodes.
And I think the CW has done it again.
I remember telling my friend, man of Chuck was on the CW it might still be on today. If you have a show that is good, and pulls in a good (as far as the CW is concerned) audience, there’s a good chance it will stay on for years. For that, CW fans are lucky. And so are fans of Arrow.
I admit it, I knew a little about “Green Arrow” coming into this show. I’ve read some of his comics and some other comics where he was a character in the story. Most of my experience with the character came from Justin Hartley’s portrayal of him on the already-referenced Smallville.
When I heard they were creating a show based on that character alone, I admit that I was not sure how I felt about Hartley not being cast. But, this isn’t a continue of that Green Arrow. Though technically, we are in the same world as Batman and Superman, Arrow does not take place in the “Smallville Universe” and I am okay with it.
Stephen Amell plays the lead character of Oliver Queene, aka the vigilante, aka The Hood, aka The Arrow, aka…Well nobody’s really gone as far as to call him Green Arrow yet. But while Smallville ends with Clark Kent becoming Superman, Arrow begins with Oliver Queene becoming essentially Green Arrow.
We do have the benefit of the “flashback” storyline, that Lost made ever-so-popular, where we follow Oliver has he was stranded on a island for 5-years – where he turned from party boy to archer. Those stories usually are when Oliver has a memory about something, and sometimes they tie in with the present day story line.
Cast is great, the comic book references and characters they pull in are impressive. Sure it has moments of silliness but hell it’s a COMIC BOOK television show – it should!
Tonight was another “Write Night” where I make sure that I write something somewhere and post about it here. It’s almost 11:30 in Massachusetts and I should be fast asleep. But, I wanted/needed to write something. I had no idea what I was going to write about – but then it became clear to me.
Earlier on, I watched the latest episode of Arrow and at one moment found myself saying “Yes!” out loud.
I’m 37 years old. That shouldn’t happen.
If I try to compare the two “Comic Book” shows on the air right now – Arrow and Agent’s of S.H.I.E.L.D. it’s not even close. I watch the latter, have seen every episode, and I find it enjoyable enough, but I think that it sometimes tries too hard and I haven’t really felt a great connection with the characters yet.
With Arrow, it’s the complete opposite. Early on I found myself say, “This is all right. I’ll watch it.” Then it was like “Oh cool, a new Arrow is one. I need to check that out.” Now it’s like “Oh man, new Arrow – must watch. now.”
That moment tonight when I said “YES” out loud to this show. Yeah, I joke that I’m probably too old for that to happen. But it did.
What can I say, I’m a sucker for when secret identities are revealed and another character is brought into the fold. Loved it on Smallville. Loved it on Chuck. Love it here.
And thanks to the CW, I hope I’ll be loving moments like that for years to come.
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