I remember hearing about this movie being in development. Like most people, I’d never heard of the Guardians of the Galaxy – and I like comic books, really I do. I remember thinking, this is Marvel’s first big gamble. It’s not a “Super Hero” movie and it’s not (yet) part of the Avengers story line – and again, it’s not very well known.
However, they worked around those hurdles – by making a great movie.
This movie had it all. Action. Humor. Heart. I smiled a lot, and when i wasn’t smiling I was laughing. And when I wasn’t doing that, I may have teared up ever so slightly…because of a CGI raccoon.
So what, I have feelings!
I had a feeling I was going to like this movie because of one thing.
Chris Pratt.
If you are familiar with Parks and Recreation (and if you’re not, what the hell is wrong with you?) then you know exactly what I am talking about.
For years Chris Pratt has played Andy Dwyer on the NBC Sitcom. He’s the lovable buffoon with a heart of gold – and he’s hilarious in it. And I think after seeing this movie, he may be on his way to super-stardom. He pulled off the lovable/cocky heroic-criminal…with a heart f gold.
Besides Pratt, I thought the rest of the cast was perfect. Zoe Saldana is beautiful whether she’s herself, a blue CGI alien, or in this case – a green alien who can kick some ass. The two voice contributors, Bradley Cooper and Vin Deisel, were perfect too. Cooper stole every scene his Rocket Raccoon was in, and Deisel’s Groot – well, he did the same thing.
He is Groot.
The last of the Guardian actors may or may not be known to you. Drax the Destroyer was played Dave Bautista…also known as WWE wrestler “Batista” (yup, without the “u”).
I am a big time WWE fan, but I wasn’t watching a few years back when he was full-time. He just came back this year to win the Royal Rumble and then be part of the Main Event of Wrestlemania XXX.
I am sure he came back as his way of promoting this movie. He wasn’t met with the response they were hoping for, as he was brought out to be a good guy. Fan’s didn’t quite accept it because they wanted another guy to be “the guy” so very quickly they made Batista a bad guy…See, I told you I’m a big WWE guy.
After a few months he left again – probably for the promotional tour of this movie…Any whatever promotion he did for it definitely paid as the weekend estimates (from box office mojo) have it earning $94,000,000 in the States and a total of $160,400,000 world wide.
Yeah, remember that “gamble” I thought Marvel/Disney was taking with this movie? It’s safe to say they won.
This movie was fresh and new – and out there, as far as being a giant sweeping space epic – but it kept us all grounded with the humor, the character interaction, and the music!
I can’t say enough good James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy. I suggest that if you like movies like this – even a little – that you go see it. Now. I’ll wait…
Still here? Okay, well after you finish this – then go see it!
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