Sure, who didn’t love seeing the return of Jake “The Snake” last week during Old School Raw? Even Ambrose had a tiny smile on his face. But the ending this week was one of the best endings I’ve seen in a while.
I haven’t seen a guy have complete command of a crowd like that since the days of Stone Cold or the Hulk. That was electrifying.
I know a lot of people thought this idea of Bryan being part of the Wyatts was dumb. A way to bury him. But as we all saw last night, you can’t keep this guy – or his push – down. So I think to myself, this was all part of the plan right?
The cynical IWC fan will tell you that the WWE doesn’t like Bryan, doesn’t have any plans for him, so lets stick him with a stable of heels for a change and just bury him there.
But what if that’s what they want you to think? What if in reality they had this be their plan the entire time. Let Daniel Bryan infiltrate the Wyatts Donnie Brascoe style, then kick the hell out of him from the inside.
Perhaps even more plausible is that they want you to think this was all part of the plan – but that’s the beauty of it. It doesn’t matter if this quick shift back to Bryan’s original character was the original plan, the original plan sped up, or a quick reaction. Look at that crowd.
It worked.
So now the Daniel Bryan character can say this was his plan the entire time – and when the moment presented itself – locked in a cage with Bray all alone – he took it. He shed his Wyattness, kicked some as, and lead the crowd on the best YES! chant I’ve heard in a while.
He had them eating out of their hands.
Can you get more over than that?
So if I have things my way – you have the Authority come out and make him the #1 entry into the Royal Rumble….and he wins – goes onto Wrestlemania and takes the belt – and we take it from there!
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