Geek Mentality – The podcast home of #FNEMovieMonth, #SitcomAllYeFaithful, #BigScreenBatman, #SilverscreenSuperman #ThePenguinsMightier #MarchyMcFly and #JAWGUST!
And here we are once again – the end of another month-long celebration of movies. Some great. Some okay. Some Eternals. But...
I have a feeling if I told these guys that I was watching their movie on hump day, they would be quite...
Happy Tuesday movie nerds! Today I watched the latest Guillermo del Toro movie on HBO Max, and after a couple days of...
Today’s movie is another one recommended by my buddy Chris. Jason Statham AND Guy Ritchie? What’s not to love!? I think I...
This movie – was…not was I was expecting. I’m not sure if that was a good thing or not. I’m not even...
Happy Saturday best friends! Today I FINALLY watched the 2020 Chris Hemsworth action motion picture, Extraction – from the studio that brought...
Last year I started the Insidious franchise, and I have to tell you I kinda have a guilty spot in my heart...
Okay, so I lied. I thought I was more than likely done with superheroes and with Marvel movies, but then out of...
Month. Movie Month. This is by far the latest I’ve finished a movie month day this year – but that’s what happens...
I realized today that this isn’t the last Ryan Reynolds movie I have on my list this year. It might be the...
Shhhh! You have to be very very quiet if you want to survive this podcast. Today (I’m typing this as if I’m...
Idag tittade jag på en film som rekommenderades till mig av min gode vän och podd-medvärd Christopher Morris. Och han spikade det....
Happy Saturday fellow good looking people! Today I watched a prequel to the Kingsman movies that is simply called “The King’s Man.”...
Sometimes a movie comes along that just hits you in the right spot perfectly, and today was one of those movies. A...
Happy Thursday movie nerds! Today was a lighthearted fun romp, and my second (and still possibly not last) Ryan Reynolds movie of...