Geek Mentality – The podcast home of #FNEMovieMonth, #SitcomAllYeFaithful, #BigScreenBatman, #SilverscreenSuperman #ThePenguinsMightier #MarchyMcFly and #JAWGUST!
Riddle me this. Riddle me that. Who had to watch this not very good movie?
A bat, a cat, and a bird Walken to a bar...
Wait 'till they get a load of me...
Carry On My Wayward Sons....
Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb...
Geek Mentality proudly presents “Big Screen Batman” in which Mike will be watching and talking about all of the FEATURE LENGTH movies...
I'm not done yet
And just like that - it's over.
I can't believe it all comes to an end tomorrow.
John Williams. Enough said.
Emails! Voicemail! Quiz! What a night!
Tonight on JAWGUST we go through even MORE notes that I still seem to have. We wonder what the hell Hendricks may...