Geek Mentality – The podcast home of #FNEMovieMonth, #SitcomAllYeFaithful, #BigScreenBatman, #SilverscreenSuperman #ThePenguinsMightier #MarchyMcFly and #JAWGUST!
There’s a new sitcom podcast today and it’s sounding good! Sure I’m biased, but you can trust me. Happy Sunday everybody! Welcome...
Happy Saturday everybody! This weekend is super Christmasy for my wife and I. Last night we went to a drive-thru Christmas light...
Well we’re moving on up… day 15! Welcome back everybody and happy Friday. After today, I only have one more week of...
Two week! I’ve been at it for 2 weeks and we just (well, yesterday) passed the MIDDLE of our 25 day adventure....
It’s Day Lucky 13! First I find out that I Dream of Jeannie – a character I mentioned in the theme song...
Tuesdays Rock! Tuesdays Rock! Tuesdays Rock! Tuesdays Rock! I hope to hell you sang that the correct melody! Welcome back Holiday Heroes!...
Happy Monday sitcom addicts! Today I have jury duty so I wanted to get this episode out as early as possible. I...
Ain’t we lucky it’s day ten…Good Tiiiiimes! I told you! I told you for nine straight days that this year will definitely...
Attention Cloud 9 shoppers – Mike is back for day NINE. Get it!? Cloud NINE! Day NINE! It’s as if I planned,...
Come and knock on our door….If you’re here to hear about more Christmas sitcom magic! Welcome back friends – it’s day 8...
Math, science, history, unraveling the mystery – that all started with the big bang…BANG! Welcome back to all of my friends –...
It’s day six fellow nerds! Welcome back! Today I thought I’d go back many (many many) years. Sixty-one years to be exact...
Welcome back Christmas Sitcom fans (and only Christmas Sitcom fans! Everyone else, scram! Wait no – I take it back. All are...
Howdy, sitcom fans – and welcome back to Day four of Sitcom All Ye Faithful! Today I go back to 1986. Back...
Happy Sunday, sitcom fans! It’s day 3 of our holiday celebration and today I decided to revisit a character who we last...