Christian Bale is amazing. Really, I should just end this post right here. He’s just unbelievable.
Today’s movie is the 2013 David O. Russell movie American Hustle. Great look. Great music. Great characters. Amazing acting.
Great movie.
It’s weird being in the position of writing 30 movie posts in 30 days. You run out of ways to say how much you liked a movie. Sure, these are movies I want to see so there aren’t going to be too many clunkers. Okay, there was the first Wolverine/Origins movie…I didn’t hate that movie, but it wasn’t good.
This wasn’t only good. I think it was pretty great.
And I couldn’t – could not – get enough of Christian Bale’s character. The man disappears into every role he takes and this one is one of his best roles ever.
Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence were all great as well.
There is also a great cameo that I was not expecting. If you still haven’t seen this movie.
Thoroughly enjoyable movie. So glad I finally saw it.
17 down. 13 to go.