Everybody needs to read more, right?
Today I went more global for my movie choice, watching the critically acclaimed 2008 Swedish horror film Let the Right One In.
And even though I watched and finished this movie this morning, I am frantically typing this in the passenger side of my friend’s car and he as our wives head home from a fun night in Maine.
I’ve had this movie on my radar for years. When the American remake came out in 2010 I stayed away from it so I could see this original first – the way I had always intended.
And I have.
And it was great.
Okay, I’m home now….
There’s something about subtitles in movies. They force me to pay more attention to what is going on. They didn’t take away at all from any of the visuals or the acting. The girl who played Eli and the boy who played Oskar were both terrific.
The horror was indeed horrible without being overly graphic, and when we reach the final moments of the film, I’m torn by what I think is going to happen. This is a Swedish horror movie – so really the ending could be happy, sad, or just play horrific.
You’ll have to see the movie yourself to know what happens. Is it too much of a spoiler alert that I did pump my fist?
I’m really glad that I remembered to watch this for the month, and glad that I didn’t see the remake first. Now I will want to check it out to see how it compares.
Just not in the next two days.
Two days left. Today was a tough one. Not for watching the movie, I had time in the morning – but for getting this blog post done was a little harder. We had a birthday party to go to, then our friends invited us for a night out in Maine.
But I slipped out the phone on the ride home and got this one started. Tomorrow I’m cooking for my in-laws and am watching a WWE PPV at night – but I’ll find a way to fit a movie in there. I have to.
I have only 2 more days to go!
Just 2 more. I can’t believe it.
28 DOWN. 2 TO GO.