I had to to go into the office four days this week. I know, boo-hoo, the man had to go to work. But normally, I work from my home office three days and go into work 2 days. This week it was four days in, which meant 4 train rides into Boston and four train rides home. Plenty of time to watch my daily movie! So even though I was tired on the train ride home today, I was able to finish movie 19 for FNE Movie Month, last year’s The Lego Movie. And you know what?
Everything is awesome.
What a great, fun movie.
I read that the movie was completely CGI but I am amazed that some of it wasn’t stop-motion. It seems like recently CGI has become more tactile, where it actually feels like what we are looking at is physically there and can be touched. The fact that this was all CGI amazes me.
I just love how the story we were watching was basically a look at how people play with lego bricks differently. How some people build what comes in the box, and some people build whatever they want.
That’s meta, right? I never know.
The fact that they brought in characters from the WB owned DC world as well as the Disney owned Star Wars really surprised me. I am pleased that different companies allowed their properties to be used.
My two favorite things about this movie was the cast of voices – you all know who you they were….And the stylized use of lego bricks for everything from water to fire.
Oh and I love that someone I went to school with from first grade through high school was in the credits. He lives over in Denmark now and works as a Lego designer.
In case you were wondering, no there is no cooler job than that.
Loved the movie, can’t imagine what other people in the train thought of a grown man watching a movie about Legos – but screw them, fun is fun and this was fun as hell.
Everything was indeed awesome.
19 down. 11 to go.