It’s Day 21 of Movie Month and today I saw the 2016 Sci-Fi drama, Arrival. Listen to this episode, check out the...
Wow, it’s already Day 20 of Movie Month! Today I finally saw the British Sci-Fi/Action/Comedy/Alien movie – from 2011 – Attack the...
It’s Day 19 of Movie Month and today I completed the journey of Katniss Everdeen when I watched 2015’s The Hunger Games:...
Directed By: Ben Stiller Starring: Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Penélope Cruz & Will Ferrell
It’s Day 17 of Movie Month and today I can say that I am all caught up with the new Star Trek...
Sunday is WWE Money in the Bank, and Brandon (@WrestleBrand) was kind enough to remind Mike (@WrestleWatcher) that he had to do...
It’s Day 16 of Movie Month and today I saw the follow up to a movie from 21 years ago – from...
I’m at the half way point! It’s Day 15 of Movie Month and FRIGGIN’ FINALLY SAW WONDER WOMAN!!!!!!!!! Listen, check out the...
It’s Day 14 of Movie Month and today I watched Nice Guys, the 2016 buddy/action/comedy from director Shane Black – starring Ryan...
It’s Day 13 of Movie Month and today I REALLY enjoyed Key and Peele’s 2016 comedy, Keanu. Listen, check out the trailer,...
COWABUNGA STRANGER FRIENDS! Remember me!? I am finally back with our heroes of Hawkins...
Come to Fine Movies. Fine Spirits! The opinions shines bright, the movie talk is...
In this episode, Mike covers issue #55 of Action Comics – from December, 1942,...
Welcome to SLASH – A Horror Movie Podcast! With our second season I am...
We did it Crewnies! We made it through another Star Wars series on Disney...
Brandon is joined by Kristen S. He with their list of the Top 100...