I watched the new GHOSTBUSTERS trailer this morning – and I just watched it again. Not feeling great about it.
Where I predict the major awards for tonight Oscars…Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’m way too 39 years old to watch this much CW.
Not the most topical episode, but my wife and I watched Ted 2 last night and I wanted to talk a little...
I finally watched The Walking Dead Episode “The Next World” – Episode 10 of Season 6. I watched it last night and...
A brand new podcast from FansNotExperts.com dedicated to all the stuff you love – movies, television, comics, and really anything else considered...
Happy Fastlane Sunday everyone! What you aren’t all as excited as me? To be honest I’m typing this into my phone right...
It’s that time of year again! Time for WWE Fastlane! What? You know, FASTLANE! That show that started last year and comes...
Last night, wrestling fans around the world were given some pretty sad news – the great Daniel Bryan has announces his retirement,...
Sunday is the biggest day in professional sports, and I’m pissed that I can’t be more excited about it. The thing is, ...
COWABUNGA STRANGER FRIENDS! Remember me!? I am finally back with our heroes of Hawkins...
Come to Fine Movies. Fine Spirits! The opinions shines bright, the movie talk is...
In this episode, Mike covers issue #55 of Action Comics – from December, 1942,...
Welcome to SLASH – A Horror Movie Podcast! With our second season I am...
We did it Crewnies! We made it through another Star Wars series on Disney...
Brandon is joined by Kristen S. He with their list of the Top 100...