Stranger Danger : A Stranger Things Podcast

Stranger Things 4 – “Chapter Nine: The Piggyback”

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Greetings Stranger Friends! I know it’s been over a week since you last heard from me and 17 full days since Volume 2 rocked our worlds – but I wanted to take the time to make sure this finale episode was the best I could make it…It definitely was the longest!

I can’t believe after all this time – all the waiting. All the watching and rewatching. And rewatching again…Stranger Things 4 is all over! What a fun/amazing ride it’s been with an absolutely wonderful season of television…and a very enjoyable season of TALKING about that wonderful season of television.

Thank you so much for sticking with the show and making this my most successful podcast season yet! I really am looking forward to talking more with you in the future (sooner than you make think) and I really hope you enjoy the episode.

Remember, normal is boring – SO STAY STRANGER MY FRIENDS!


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