Before the WWE produced a Pay-Per-View (or whatever we call them now) every month, there was the original “Big Four” PPV’s: Survivor Series, Summerslam, Royal Rumble, and the granddaddy of them all, WrestleMania.
Now, with a show every month, many of them are basically the same, but the “Big Four” were still where you may see something special. I think now, however, the Money in The Bank – which we’re about an hour away from – has surpassed Survivor Series as one of the best shows of the year.
And what do The Fans think will happen tonight?
note: the order of the picks are based on the order the matches were listed on wikipedia – though Brandon wishes that the Divas match was the main event.
JOE : @NHPunk
- Barrett
- Cena by DQ
- Reigns
- Rollins
- New Day
- Ryback
- Nikki
BRANDON : @WrestleBrand
- Barrett
- Owens
- Reigns
- Rollins
- New Day
- Ryback
- Nikki
SHAUN : @spc73
- Truth by mistake
- Cena by DQ
- Kofi
- Rollins
- Prime Time
- Ryback
- Nikki
Kidding Reigns not Kofi
MIKE : @WrestleBrand
If any of these are different from my picks on WrestleFania, it’s only because I’m a fraud….
- Truth – and he thinks he’s the King now.
- Owens by DQ (maybe Balor distracts him, setting up the July 4th match)
- Reigns
- Rollins (but will he walk out the champ?)
- New Day
- Ryback
- Nikki (closing in on replacing AJ in the record books)
Will we see any shenanigans? Will we see a cash in later in the night? How will they pay tribute to Dusty? We’ll find out all this and more – starting in about an hour! Enjoy the show!!!