What is a geek to do when he has two weeks off from work?
What else, but consume, consume, consume?
I am up in Laconia, NH visiting my in-laws for an extended fourth of July weekend. We came up Wednesday night and are staying until probably Tuesday. With me I brought my iPod, my Mac, anda bunch of stuff to read.
I have a stacks of comics (some of which i took a bad camera phone picture with) that are great for the beach and pool. I’ve caught up on American Vampire and Nemesis. I just read volume #3 of The Boys, and I am excited to start the Geoff Johns run of Green Lantern, with – what else – issues #1 and #2.
The book I am most excited about though is volume #5 of The Walking Dead. Someday, when the time is right, I would love to own the entire series of this book, but for now I am relying on the library to read this series. It was a couple years ago that I read volumes 1-3 and sometime last year I read volume #4. It wasn’t until very recently that my library got volume #5.
Walking in and seeing that book on the shelf – I actually did a double take – which can tell you just how excited I was. I can’t wait until October when the AMC Series finally starts.
But it’s not just comics that I have. I just started The Ghost King by – probably my favorite author ever – R.A. Salvatore. I’ve read just about everything he’s ever written and am working on a post dedicated to specifically to him – stay tuned.
Of course, I am a notoriously slow reader when it comes to regular books, so this one will probably take me a month to get through, just because I only read at short bursts at a time (though I am taking it down to the beach today) – and because I’ll be reading comic books the entire time (Green Lantern and Walking Dead today) as well.
Also during this break I will be discovering new podcasts (while listening to my old favorites) and catching up on shows like Human Target (one left) and Battlestar Galactica‘s third season.
My wife holds NONE of these same interests with me, so I am also balancing this with spending quality husband time with her.
Does nodding while reading count as that?
Anyway, that’s what I am up to – while paying attention to Twitter all the while, and thinking up the next post for Geek Mentality.
Okay, I’m off to the beach. I have my SPF 1000, my chair, and my arm filled with comics and fantasy novels.
Happy Fourth of July!
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