Knock knock! Who’s there? Dave Bautiste.Dave Bautiste Who?Actually it’s pronounced Dave Bautist-ah
The show notes for today’s movie were written on a touchscreen keyboard on a Google Pixel phone, running Android. And although I...
Let’s get this out of the way up front. This is not a good movie – not even as good as it’s...
Well, it’s official. I now have finally heard a song by The Smiths. Many actually. This might complete my listening career of...
Is Movie Month possessed? This isn’t the first movie dealing with the devil this month – and I am contemplating whether or...
And with today’s movie, I have not completed the Jurassic World trilogy, and – oh wait, they already announced another one? Great....
The next time I order an ice coffee I am going to say, “Please add cream.” And if they ask if I...
Devil inside. Devil inside. Every single one of us – the Devil inside…wait, INXS was yesterday. Today, I watched movie from two...
You may be asking yourself – wait a second, this guy’s never seen Donnie Darko? And of course the answer to your...
If there’s a podcast about movies every day in June, who ya gonna listen to? Please say me! Today I watched the...
Today’s episode is brought to you my Fine Movies. Fine Spirits. co-host, Chris. Every year I try to take at least one...
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