Welcome to Stranger Danger, a podcast covering every episode (in great detail) of the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things – and all the official books and comics too! Follow @GeekMentality on Twitter, Instagram and Threads, @StrangerDPod on Twitter and @StrangerDangerPod on Instagram and Threads. And @StrangerDangerPod on TikTok! Share your thoughts on the Stranger Hotline!
This past week, Netflix held its first ever “Geeked Week” where they made all kinds of fun announcements about new shows and...
Okay, so we didn’t get a trailer – but I we did get something! Was it a flashback? A dream? What are...
Today, the crew over at Stranger Things really knocked Cinco De Mayo out of the park. First they tweet out “Are you...
Hello my Stranger Friends! Finally, I’m back with a new entry into the Stranger Danger Club! This time around I’m back reading...
For this entry into the Stranger Danger book club, I read “Runaway Max” by Brenna Yovanoff and – spoiler alert – I...
It’s been too long since I’ve talked to you all so I thought I’d take a moment to talk about the new...
I am back with a new entry for the book club! This time I read the Dark Horse comic - and the...
I finally finished the second official Stranger Things novel, "Darkness on the Edge of Town" by Adam Christopher.
The Stranger Danger Book Club is back again with a new episode! On this episode I talk about the next miniseries of...
I finally finished reading the first official Stranger Things Novel, "Suspicious Minds" by Gwenda Bond.
While we are all anxiously awaiting the return of Stranger Things, I thought it would be a totally rad idea to read...
Stranger Things Fans! Although we know that a Season 4 is coming, we don’t really know when. But what DO we know?...
In this episode of Stranger Danger, our dashing host talks about episode 8 of season 3 of Stranger Things, “Chapter Eight: The...
In this episode of Stranger Danger, our dashing host talks about episode 7 of season 3 of Stranger Danger, “Chapter Seven: The...
In this episode of Stranger Danger, our dashing host talks about episode 6 of season 3 of Stranger Things, “Chapter Six: E...