Geek Mentality – The podcast home of #FNEMovieMonth, #SitcomAllYeFaithful, #BigScreenBatman, #SilverscreenSuperman #ThePenguinsMightier #MarchyMcFly and #JAWGUST!
The saying is “never judge a book by it’s cover,” but I think it’s also important to never judge a book by...
How do I talk about Back to the Future, my favorite movie of all time? I’m not entirely sure, so I’m just...
I am still very new, very “green” when it comics to the world of comics, but I know that I want to...
I think my dream life would consist of just writing – every day. Some days I’d write at home. Some days I’d...
Isn’t it great to know that our friends from Burbank will be back next year? I must say that I love to be...
For nine seasons, Smallville has given us the adventures of Clark Kent as he makes his journey from alien visitor, to superpowered...
I hope to have something more substantial about the episode, but here is what I am thinking about the overall ending: Everything...
Ah, the Supernatural season finale. I know two things are for certain. First, we’re going to be left with some kind of...
So maybe it’s not really “geek” material – but today is a sad day for heavy metal and music as a whole...
I learned this morning that the NBC show Heroes has been canceled after four seasons. I have been watching this show from...
In 1989, SNK released the greatest baseball video game that has ever been made – Baseball Stars for the Nintendo Entertainment System. While...
I am sitting here in the Haverhill Public library working on this very blog post. I am not on a computer, and...
As you can tell by most of my posts on this site, I am a television guy above all else. I love...
I wanted to talk a little about this episode before the we get to Thursday and the next one airs. I am...
This past Thursday, I was under the impression that we were going to see a “Musical Episode” of Fringe. To be honest,...