On this episode Brandon is joined by Josh Bernstein. We talk about his career including booking Metallica for the Golden Gods Awards, plus how he got into the band, some of his favorite award show memories, and so much more!
Check out Metallica performing at the 2013 Revolver Golden Gods Awards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO4dqs6pavc
Check out behind the scenes of Metallica at the 2013 Revolver Golden Gods Awards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Atiro3LeB0
Check out these articles Brandon wrote for MetalTalk.Net:
Day On The Green 1985- https://www.metaltalk.net/metallica-and-the-historical-relevance-of-their-1985-day-on-the-green-performance.php
Download 2004- https://www.metaltalk.net/metallica-the-one-where-lars-goes-missing.php
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Fans Not Experts owns no rights or claims to any of the music used in this episode. All songs used for review/podcast purposes only – and because Brandon loves them so much.