Darren Young and Damien Sandow vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The Ascension vs. Mark Henry and Jack Swagger Fatal four-way tag team...
The boys are back in town….Yes, that’s right – both Brandon (@WrestleBrand) and Mike (@WrestleWatcher) actually spoke with EACH OTHER and recorded...
I love watching sports. I love watching wrestling. I love listening to Heavy Metal….And I love these big award shows. Not the...
Sixth grade. I was in sixth grade with Full House premiered in September of 1987. I think that is the reason the...
Happy New Year! Before we get back together for a monumental Royal Rumble episode, Both Brandon (@WrestleBrand) and Mike (@WrestleWatcher) thought it...
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! All that fun stuff! In this very special episode of WrestleFania – Mike (@WrestleWatcher) gains a new appreciation...
Happy Wednesday everybody! Boy is tomorrow going to go by slow before the 9pm showing of The Force Awakens that I will...
Now don’t get me wrong – I do NOT want Howard to retire NOR do I want the Howard Stern Show to...
Brandon (@WrestleBrand) [6-2] Sasha Ambrose (by DQ or count out, Owens retains) Usos Charlotte Wyatt Family Del Rio Rusev Sheamus Joe (@NHPunk)...
I’m beginning to understand why you are only a handful of select people that listen to this podcast! Once again we couldn’t find...
COWABUNGA STRANGER FRIENDS! Remember me!? I am finally back with our heroes of Hawkins...
Come to Fine Movies. Fine Spirits! The opinions shines bright, the movie talk is...
In this episode, Mike covers issue #55 of Action Comics – from December, 1942,...
Welcome to SLASH – A Horror Movie Podcast! With our second season I am...
We did it Crewnies! We made it through another Star Wars series on Disney...
Brandon is joined by Kristen S. He with their list of the Top 100...