I don’t think I watched 20 movies all of last year. Maybe even longer than that. And here I am, 20 movies...
I had to to go into the office four days this week. I know, boo-hoo, the man had to go to work....
This was a long one today. Clocking in at 3 hours long (and really, what Scorcese/DiCaprio movie doesn’t?) today’s FNE Movie Month...
Christian Bale is amazing. Really, I should just end this post right here. He’s just unbelievable. Today’s movie is the 2013 David...
I am thrilled to start the second half of the FNE Movie Month with the incredible spectacle that is last year’s Gravity!...
I can’t believe it. I’m officially half way through FNE Movie Month! Recently I’ve been watching some pretty big budget blockbusters and...
Well, I’ve finally gone and done it. I’ve finally seen all of the Marvel Universe films…that are not currently in the theater....
I am the law. I mean, I am the Mike…Dredd – he is the law. Today’s movie was really not on my...
Before today, the last “Marvel” movie (I don’t count the X-Men movies as they’re part of a different movie universe) that I’ve...
I am sitting on a train coming home from Boston as I type this into my iPad using Google Docs. I literally...
COWABUNGA STRANGER FRIENDS! Remember me!? I am finally back with our heroes of Hawkins...
Come to Fine Movies. Fine Spirits! The opinions shines bright, the movie talk is...
In this episode, Mike covers issue #55 of Action Comics – from December, 1942,...
Welcome to SLASH – A Horror Movie Podcast! With our second season I am...
We did it Crewnies! We made it through another Star Wars series on Disney...
Brandon is joined by Kristen S. He with their list of the Top 100...