Tonight marks one of those bittersweet moments in the life (or lack there of) of a fan for a television show. The...
This was a fun little video put together for Comic-Con 2011 – Peter Bishop auditions. But, the last one…Is it just there...
Well, John Noble (Fringe) got screwed again – as did Katey Sagal (Sons of Anarchy) but here are the nominations – my...
It’s about 20 minutes since I finished tonight’s all new True Blood Season 4 premiere. When I look at the image above...
I am sure that most of your are familiar with the television show MASH. It’s one of the most popular shows in...
Last Updated 9/15/11 I’ve only watched two episodes since the last update. As you can see, my viewing method is slow and...
As you can see from this video, I loved it – and from everything I’ve read and seen a majority of you...
Can you believe that we’re only 3 days away from the final Smallville? I’ve already taken the day off from work and...
Watched three more episodes since the last update: 00 “The Cage” 01 “The Man Trap” 02 “Charlie X” 03 “Where No Man...
I’ll be updating this from time to time – but here is where I am at so far: 00 “The Cage” 01...